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Beck Depression Inventory Image

Beck Depression Inventory

The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is a 21-item, self-report rating inventory that measures characteristic attitudes and symptoms of depression

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Copeland Symptom List Image

Copeland Symptom List

The checklist covers ten areas, including: Inattention/Distractibility, Impulsivity, Activity Level Problems, Noncompliance, Attention-Getting Behavior, Immaturity, Poor Achievement/Cognitive & Visual-Motor Problems, Emotional Difficulties, Poor Peer Relations, and Family Interaction Problems.

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Guide to Digital Mental Health Resources Image

Guide to Digital Mental Health Resources

A Guide to Digital Mental Health Resources

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Conjoint Questionnaire Alcohol and other Drug Abuse Image

Conjoint Questionnaire Alcohol and other Drug Abuse

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What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Image

What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition involving persistent challenges with social communication, restricted interests and repetitive behavior.

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What is ADHD? Image

What is ADHD?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders affecting children.

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Vyvanse Capsules as a Titration Dose Image

Vyvanse Capsules as a Titration Dose

New titration strength, along with the ability to mix Vyvanse capsule contents in water, orange juice, or yogurt, provides increased flexibility to help meet the dosing and administration needs of patients ages 6 and above with ADHD.

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Vyvanse Water Titration In 8 Steps Image

Vyvanse Water Titration In 8 Steps

Vyvanse is a long-acting ADHD medication of the Adderall family. Per the manufacturer, Vyvanse can be safely administered by mixing the contents in a liquid and consuming the mixture.

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Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic Image

Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

Social anxiety disorder is a chronic mental health condition, but learning coping skills in psychotherapy and taking medications can help you gain confidence and improve your ability to interact with others.

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Goldberg's Depression Scale Image

Goldberg's Depression Scale

This quiz can be used to decide if you need to see a mental health professional for diagnosis and treatment of depression, or for tracking your depression on a regular basis.

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Reset - the app using CBT to treat substance abuse Image

Reset - the app using CBT to treat substance abuse

A mobile app, known as Reset, uses cognitive-behavioral therapy and is intended to be used in combination with outpatient therapy to treat alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, and stimulant substance use disorders.

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Managing money with ADHD Image

Managing money with ADHD

ADHD can make it harder to manage your money. Here’s some tips to help

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Lack of sleep linked to depression, anxiety and stress Image

Lack of sleep linked to depression, anxiety and stress

Inadequate sleep at night leads to poor memory and increases the risk of depression, anxiety and stress, according to a new research.

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Developed by BlackDog institute and free to use, click here to visit it Image

Developed by BlackDog institute and free to use, click here to visit it

This is a great self-help program that you can use for mild to moderate symptoms of depression and anxiety – or to make your mental health more resilient for the future. It is all done online and gives you a tool kit of strategies to use when you need them.

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Ice towns in regional Australia Image

Ice towns in regional Australia

The ice epidemic has been well publicised. However, many people are not aware that the problem is particularly acute in regional towns. SBS has done a comprehensive of the impact on these communities including some touching personal accounts available here

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Australias Opioid Addiction Image

Australias Opioid Addiction

Australia’s use of opioid based painkillers has quadrupled in the past decade. Opioids like Morphine, Oxycodone and Methadone are used to treat chronic pain however can result in patients developing a physical dependence even when taken for just a few weeks.

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Even the fittest struggle to stay mentally fit Image

Even the fittest struggle to stay mentally fit

We think of our elite athletes as tough, strong and almost super human. But many athletes also grapple with mental illness. High profile former athletes are increasingly speaking out about their struggles.

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Treating ADD/ADHD Image

Treating ADD/ADHD

Dr Edward Hallowell is a US expert in the disease and has a great, positive explanation of one approach to treating ADD/ADHD

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Is ADD/ADHD Real? Image


There has been some debate over whether ADD / ADHD really exists. This article from the NeuroLogica blog (written by a clinical neurologist from Yale) examines and responds one of these skeptics.

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Introduction to Psychiatric Medications: SWSPHN & Dr Zelko Mustac Image

Introduction to Psychiatric Medications: SWSPHN & Dr Zelko Mustac

Introduction to Psychiatric Medications. Sponsored by SWS PHN Watch the webinar replay by clicking the link below.

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Mind Spot Image

Mind Spot

Take a quiz to find out a bit more about your symptoms of anxiety and depression. MindSpot then has 8 week courses you can take based on your results and the areas you need to focus on.

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Mood Gym Image

Mood Gym

A fitness workout for your mental health. Just like your body it needs regular exercise to be strong and fit. It gives you skills and exercises to do to prevent and manage depression and anxiety. All online and free to use.

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Information for Patient Vyvanse(LA) Dosing Instructions Image

Information for Patient Vyvanse(LA) Dosing Instructions

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Information for Patient Ritalin (SA) Dosing Timetable Image

Information for Patient Ritalin (SA) Dosing Timetable

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Poor Sleep Image

Poor Sleep

In order to improve your sleep it is important to understand the many things that affect the quality of a night’s sleep. You can then take a problem solving approach and make changes. The Sleep Health Foundation have set out five key things you can do to improve your sleep. See them here

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Melatonin Prolonged Release (Circadin) Image

Melatonin Prolonged Release (Circadin)

Prolonged-release Melatonin in short-term use has not been associated with impaired daytime alertness, dependence, withdrawal effects or rebound insomnia. Click here to read more about the trial here

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Sleeping Tablets Image

Sleeping Tablets

There are many things that can make it hard for you to sleep. The cause can be a variety of things and it doesn’t tend to last long. Even so, if you are very distressed, your doctor can put you on sleeping tablets for a short period.

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Insomnia Image


Insomnia is said to be present when you regularly find it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep. You may have trouble getting to sleep initially. Or even if you can fall asleep, you might not be able to stay asleep for as long as you would like.

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Mental Health Support for Australians Affected by the 2019 – 20 Bushfires. Image

Mental Health Support for Australians Affected by the 2019 – 20 Bushfires.

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