Our Services

Are you or someone you know feeling mentally unwell? Mental illness can be treated and many people recover well or even completely. Psychiatrists are doctors that specialise in mental health. They make a thorough assessment based on a particular pattern of symptoms and can recommend suitable treatment

Psychiatrists - Adult & Child

Depression and Anxiety

These are the single greatest illnesses to affect people with one in four adults experiencing depression or anxiety. Are you feeling sad, lonely, apprehensive, nervous or on edge? Everyone feels this way sometimes. But some people experience these feelings daily or for no apparent reason and it interferes with everyday functioning and enjoyment. These disorders are both treatable by seeking psychiatric and/or psychological help.

Post-traumatic stress disorder

PTSD is an ongoing stress to a traumatic event. It is typically characterized by re-experiencing the traumatic event (vivid memories, flashbacks or nightmares) or avoiding situations or people that remind you of the traumatic event. This can cause significant impairment in personal, family, social or occupational functioning.

Psychosis and schizophrenia

Psychosis involves a disconnection from reality and often involves seeing or hearing things that are not real or suspecting malicious intent from other people. Schizophrenia is the most common psychotic disorder – it is a chronic disease that affects the way a person thinks, acts, expresses emotions, perceives reality and relates to others. People with schizophrenia often struggle at work and in relationships and may feel frightened and withdrawn. There is no cure for schizophrenia but it can be controlled with appropriate treatment.

Eating disorders

An eating disorder is a mental health condition that involves an unhealthy relationship with food. Common eating disorders include binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa. Symptoms of eating disorders include dieting, binge eating, purging (vomiting or using laxatives), excessive exercise and a preoccupation with appearance/weight. Studies have shown that approximately 1 in 7 people experience an eating disorder in their lifetime. Starting treatment early is important to avoid long term physical health consequences.

Adolescent Psychiatry

An adolescent psychiatrist is a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and the treatment of disorders of thinking, feeling and/or behaviour affecting adolescents, and their families. The adolescent psychiatrist uses the unique knowledge of biological, psychological, and social factors affecting adolescents in working with their patients. Common psychiatric conditions affecting adolescents include depression and anxiety, eating disorders and ADHD.


Neurodevelopmental disorders affect emotion, learning ability, self-control and memory. Attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most common of these. People with ADD/ADHD tend to find it much more difficult to focus on something without being distracted and are often more impulsive and restless.


Dementia & Cognitive Impairment

A degree of memory loss is normal as we age. However, if memory is impaired beyond this or other cognitive functioning is impaired such as judgement or reasoning, the person may be suffering from mild cognitive impairment or dementia.

Treatment to improve cognitive and behavioural symptoms may include a combination of appropriate medications and psychotherapy.


Sleep disorders are fairly common in older adults. As you get older, sleep patterns and habits change. As a result, many people report trouble falling asleep, wake up frequently or have less quality sleep. Persistent sleep problems can be quite serious resulting in dysfunctional behaviour when awake, increased risk of falls and daytime fatigue. Treatment can include medication, behavioural change, sleep hygiene and psychotherapy.

Geriatric depression and anxiety

Depression and anxiety are the single greatest illnesses to affect people of any age, affecting one in four adults. There are biological, social and psychological factors affecting people as they age which can play a role in depression and anxiety- for example isolation, limited mobility, death of friends and loved ones and chronic medical conditions. Geriatricians are experienced in treating these conditions in older people – often with a combination of medication, psychological treatment and lifestyle changes.



Stress is a physical, mental or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension. Some degree of stress is normal however continuous stress without relief can result in distress and lead to physical symptoms such as headaches, loss of appetite, increased blood pressure, chest pain and problems sleeping. Stress can also influence many physical health conditions including heart disease, blood pressure and irritable bowel syndrome.

Social anxiety disorder

Social anxiety disorder or social phobia is more than just shyness or occasional nerves. It involves an intense fear of certain social situations – particularly unfamiliar situations or those where you feel you are being watched or evaluated by others. People suffering from social anxiety disorder will often go to great lengths to avoid these situations, disrupting their life in the process. It is a very common condition although the situation that triggers it may vary. Professional psychological help can be very effective in overcoming social anxiety disorder.


A phobia is an intense and persistent fear or an object or situation that in reality poses little or no danger. A fear becomes a phobia when they are so severe that they cause significant anxiety and interfere with a persons’ normal life. Phobias are broadly classified into three types: Specific (related to an animal, person, situation or activity- such as dentists or heights); Social Phobia or social anxiety disorder (the fear of social situations); and Agoraphobia (fear of being in public places).


Trauma is an emotional response after a terrible event which usually involves exposure to death, serious injury or sexual violence. Some people can have difficulty moving on with their lives after a traumatic event and the experience of trauma may contribute to the development of a mental illness such as depression and anxiety, alcohol and substance use disorders, self-harm and suicide-related disorders, psychosis and schizophrenia.

How it works


Patients need a current referral from their GP or nurse practitioner (less than 12 months old)


Once the referral is received, Dokotela will contact the client to arrange the appointment and provide all of the necessary information.

Feel Better

A video conference is a faster way to get the help you need.

Many patients find a specialist working collaboratively with their GP a faster and easier way to feel at ease and get better.



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