
Your journey with Dokotela will be as part of a supportive team, not a sole practitioner left unsupported with your professional challenges. We provide full-service support to our team and promote a culture of quality and collaboration.

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Ramprasad Attur

Language spoken: English

Dr Attur is a dedicated professional who has more than 15 years of specialist experience of working with children and adoelscents, helping them with  various mental health issues. His expertise has been gathered from training and practicing in 3 different continents including United Kingdom and India. Dr Atturs’ experience has been both in private and public health settings. He is currently doing a full time public role in New South Wales. His areas of interest include working with children with ASD and neurodevelopmental issues. 

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Ramprasad Attur

Language spoken: English

Dr Attur is a dedicated professional who has more than 15 years of specialist experience of working with children and adoelscents, helping them with  various mental health issues. His expertise has been gathered from training and practicing in 3 different continents including United Kingdom and India. Dr Atturs’ experience has been both in private and public health settings. He is currently doing a full time public role in New South Wales. His areas of interest include working with children with ASD and neurodevelopmental issues. 

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