Central and Eastern Sydney PHN

Telehealth Psychiatry Service
Highly experienced psychiatrists

Receive expert care from a team of psychiatrists who are able to treat a broad spectrum of mental illnesses. Our psychiatrists are dedicated to making a difference in the communities they serve and will provide you with a treatment plan tailored for your specific needs.

Flexible access We offer convenient telehealth consultations

We offer convenient telehealth consultations from your home if you have a support person with you, such as a family member, friend or support worker. Alternatively you can have your telehealth appointment at the telehealth hub in Canterbury, your local GP clinic or at a psychosocial service office.

Collaborative care for you

We’ll work closely with your GP and create a multidisciplinary care team just for you, that delivers the treatment you need. The psychiatrist will work closely with your GP and empower them to provide you with the highest quality care.

Who can we help?

- Patients living in the CESPHN region.

- A broad spectrum of mental illness

- Patients with barriers to access

What are the exclusions?

- Age limits: This service is for those over who are 18+.

- ADHD Clients must hold a valid government-issued Health Care Card

- Our PHN Services are designed for treatment only. No additional reporting will be provided.

I am eligible. How do I apply?

If you are eligible for PHN funding you must contact your GP and request that they fill out the PHN funding form accessed below.

How it works


Your GP will complete the CESPHN Telehealth Psychiatry Service referral form, which will be released to Dokotela.

Book Your Intake Call

You will receive an SMS from Dokotela to book an intake call with one of our Clinical Care Coordinators (CCC).

Intake Call

During this call, your CCC will assist in preparing you for your psychiatry session, gather information about your treatment goals, complete relevant diagnostic tools, and schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist best suited to your needs. This process is designed to ensure you feel informed, supported, and ready for the next steps in your care.

Preparing For Your Session

Think about whether you’d like to bring along family members, friends, or other mental health professionals who are part of your support network.

Psychiatry Appointment

In your session, the psychiatrist will complete a detailed assessment, discuss possible diagnoses and work with you on a treatment plan. They’ll also coordinate with any other clinicians you’re seeing, including your GP, to ensure your care is well-managed.

Visit your GP

After your appointment, your GP will receive a summary of your treatment plan. It's important to review this with them, as they may have additional resources or supports to offer based on the psychiatrist's recommendations. Your GP can also manage your ongoing care, including prescribing medication once you're no longer required to have regular psychiatry sessions.

Follow-up Support

Your Clinical Care Coordinator will arrange a check-in to see how you’re progressing, answer any questions, and schedule your next review with the psychiatrist if needed.

Review Appointment with Psychiatrist

Your psychiatrist will review your progress, answer questions, and adjust the plan if needed based on your feedback.

Feel Better

With a solid support system and personalized treatment plan, you’re on a path to improved mental health.

Still have questions? Contact us

Already a patient through CESPHN?

We’ve got all the details outlined so you know exactly how it works for existing Dokotela patients. Just click the link below for an easy step-by-step process.